Monday, April 7, 2008

New Coasts and Poseidon's Son

We have only been at sea for a couple of days and the men are already grumbling about leaving Ithaca. Oh!! Wait!! I see an island in the distance. Odysseus says that it is the island of the Lotus-Eaters. He says we are going to land there to get some supplies. Oh I can't wait to taste the Lotus which is said to have the most glorious taste. Odysseus says we are not allowed to eat because we would not want to continue on our journey. We have arrived and he has tied us to the ship to prevent us from even trying the lotus. He says "if we're good" he'll let us have some. But let me tell you i think they tied my hands a little to tight and Skyros can't reach to loosen them. They tied us at opposite sides of the ship. Odysseus has come back with some lotus that he lets us have. I soon realize that it does have a glorious taste. I wanted to eat it forever but we had already set sail.

As we set sail they loosed us from our bonds and we started heading for another island in the distance. Odysseus didn't know about this island so he was curious as to what may inhabit it. Everyone else just wanted to sail to the next planned stop but Odysseus was being stubborn. We saw a herd of huge sheep in the pastures but no people were around. Odysseus got off and signaled for us to follow. He found a cave that had a lot of supplies. The crew that had gone with us wanted to loot the place while Odysseus wanted to be courteous and wait for the person to return home. All of a sudden a Cyclops came in through the entrance and rolled a boulder over the same entrance. Odysseus went up only to find the Cycl0ps to be mean and ruthless. The Cyclops grabbed hold of two men and proceeded to eat them. Odysseus fashioned a spear out of one the logs of firewood in the corner. he told us that he was going to stab the Cyclops in the eye. At night he did this and told the Cyclops that his name was Nohbdy. We eventually escaped by hiding under trios of sheep as the Cyclops let them out to graze. We had barely escaped with our lives. I personally have made Odysseus swear that we will not visit any more uncharted islands. Though I don't know how long this agreement will hold out.

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