Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sea Perils and Defeat

We are finally leaving after the year we have spent on Circe's island. Circe wanted to have a private conversation with Odysseus about the "road ahead". There really isn't a road it's just open seas and occasional islands. We're hoping that they will finish soon or at least I'm hoping. Circe is not to be trusted especially after she transformed the crew into pigs. Not that there is much change. Odysseus has come out of the house so the "meeting" must be over. he tells the crew and us that we will have to be careful for the sirens. I hope that's the only danger we will meet along the way...

Odysseus is being foolish in that he wants to hear the song the sirens sing. Obviously he is too full of pride to realize the danger in this. He is taking precautions with the crew and us. We will have to stuff beeswax into our ears so as not to suffer the song of the sirens. though I'm pretty sure the sirens song doesn't affect women. Note to self: Research effects of the siren song. Odysseus is having Eurylochus tie him to the mast so he doesn't have to stuff beeswax in his ears. The crew goes back to rowing and we pull into the range of the sirens. They are hideous. I can see Odysseus looking longingly at the sirens. They swarm us but we pull through with everybody intact. Odysseus starts to look worried. I wonder what other horrible things are waiting for us. We approach a whirlpool and sea this gigantic head at the bottom. This must be Charybdis. Off to the other side Scylla looked out of her cave. This must be the danger Odysseus was worried about. He decides to pass on the side where Scylla is. She immeadiately scoops up six men for each of her six heads. We must have gone fast enough to pass her before she was able to swipe anymore men. Now on to the Underworld!

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